Of an entirely different nature is the CD by the likewise unknown (for me, at least) Stelladrine. Maybe you think seventies when hearing the word 'concept album', but 'You'll Never See Your World Again' is a concept album, about space invading, rockets and time travel. But with the cartoon like cover this is all highly tongue in cheek: it's more a fifties view than say the recent 'War Of The Worlds'. Stelladrine uses synthesizers, drum computers, even guitars and voice snippets from old films ('they are electronic computers, not human beings') in order to make a take on 'Forbidden Planet' with healthy dose of humor. Quirky, up tempo music most of the time, with a spaghetti western sound on the guitar and theremin in 'The Future Isn't What It Used To Be'. It's all very retro futurist stuff and it's a most pleasant album for lovers of electro, sci-fi and such like.