Distribution Catalog / Crucial Bliss

Luasa Raelon - Into The Void
last copy

Luasa Raelon - Into The Void CD-R

Label info: "Finally, after a pronounced delay, we're presenting the latest in grim, Cthulhian ambient death from David Reed, the man behind the Snip-Snip CD-R label and... (continued)

Label: Crucial Bliss
Format: CD-R, pro-printed disc, oversized sleeve
Genres: dark ambient
Fulci - Dead Lights Red Sky
Out of stock

Fulci - Dead Lights Red Sky CD-R

Label info: "The first recorded offering from twilight-psyche drone rock duo Fulci. Deep, rumbling, and eternal speaker-buzz worship, wrapped around lumbering riffs drunk on... (continued)

Label: Crucial Bliss
Format: CD-R, pro-printed disc in oversized color sleeve