Distribution Catalog / Cosmic Ambient

Ionosphere - The Stellar Winds
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Ionosphere - The Stellar Winds CD

Label info: "After the highly acclaimed album Nightscape in 2015, we can announce the re-release of The Stellar Winds from 2007. Originally released as a limited CD-R, this... (continued)

Label: Power & Steel
Format: CD, clear jewel case
Videotrage - Signaltures
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Videotrage - Signaltures Tape

Label info: "Cosmic and minimalist electronic music meets noisy new age sounds on this second release of Finnish duo; Videotrage.

Label: Obscurex
Format: Tape, Pro-printed / dubbed
Emme Ya - Atavistic Dreams & Phallic Totems
on sale

Emme Ya - Atavistic Dreams & Phallic Totems CD

Label info: "40 minutes of dense astral emanations and magickal paradigms transmitted through the ritual mantras generated by Emme Ya. Emme Ya’s 'Atavistic... (continued)

Label: Cold Spring
Format: CD, clear jewel case